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Communication Skills

Informace o kurzu

Cena100 Kč
Délka08:00 - 17:00
LektorPhDr. Zdeňka Vykoukalová, Ph.D.

"We cannot not communicate" as Paul Watzlawick said a long time ago and as "every behavior is communication, it is useful to think about the power of it, the power of words that we possess and can use in influencing others. This course is aimed at developing some fundamental aspects of communication skills, such as forming first impression (JOHARI model), polishing nonverbal communication, active listening and specificities of communication of non-native speakers in their usage of appropriate language. The participants will identify their communication style based on MBTI typology and will share their experience in coping with other styles. They will receive feedback from others as well as from the tutor and will focus on understanding their distinct communication styles.

1st module:
- Forming 1st impression, how others see me and how I see them (JOHARI model)
- Polishing nonverbal language
- Active listening

2nd module:
- Verbal manners: implications on using English as a non-native speaker
- MBTI typology
- Analyzing my type and understanding others

Kurz bude probíhat na Institutu celoživotního vzdělávání VUT v Brně, Kounicova 67a, 1.patro (značeno 2.patro), chodba vlevo, učebna 205.

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