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Cross-Cultural Communication

Course details

Duration6 hodin
LectorPhDr. Zdeňka Hort, Ph.D.

Cross-Cultural Communication

Have you ever experienced a feeling that the communication “stumbles” during your small talk with a foreign colleague? And even thought you both use the same – and probably foreign – language, you did not understand each other well? As if you both came not only from different countries but from different planets? In addition are you getting ready for a long-term stay abroad and you would like to prepare for it? Or did you just come back from it and you are experiencing a “reverse culture shock” back at home?

For all of you is aimed this course on cross-cultural communication. Its objective is to introduce the fascinating wide area of cross-cultural differences, which may profoundly influence the interpersonal communication. During the course we will focus our attention on following topics: development of cultural adaptability and sensitivity, differences in low and high-context communication, coping with culture shock and setting and keeping principles of effective cross-cultural communication.

What you will get from participating:

-     experience with various styles of communication

-     tips on dealing with differences in nonverbal communication

-     tips on dealing with culture shock 

-     tools for understanding partners coming from different cultural backgrounds (various cross-cultural models)

Lenght: 6 hours

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