Informace o kurzu | |
Cena | 100 Kč |
Délka | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Lektor | PhDr. Zdeňka Vykoukalová, Ph.D. |
As Peter Drucker's modern adage goes: „Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things", the course is focused on finding a way of doing "right things" and on facilitating doing them and/or persuading others about them. We will start with ourselves, searching for our personal vision within the help of coaching. A basic self-coaching technique will be introduced. Participants will further engage in group situations in order to identify their leadership style and to persuade others. DISC typology of leadership styles will be introduced and administered.
1st module:
- On becoming a self-coach
- Searching for personal vision
- Understanding my leadership style
- Assignment: Celebrating uniqueness: Think about your personal characteristics in which you are unique
2nd module:
- Sharing what I do/know best, boosting self confidence
- Model situation: searching for a group vision
- DISC typology
Kurz bude probíhat na Institutu celoživotního vzdělávání VUT v Brně, Kounicova 67a, 1.patro (značeno 2.patro), chodba vlevo, učebna 205.
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