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Managerial Skills

Informace o kurzu

Cena100 Kč
Délka08:00 - 17:00
LektorPhDr. Zdeňka Vykoukalová, Ph.D.

As a modern adage goes: „Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things", this course is focused on developing some basic managerial skills on how to "do things right", such as how to encourage team work and involve everyone in it, how to understand team roles, improve clear communication with others, how to give feedback and organize things and people. Participants will explore their specific managerial styles during various model situations. They will be introduced a typology of managerial styles, will receive feedback from others as well as from the tutor and will focus on identifying their strengths and weaknesses within their managerial style.

1st module
- Understanding my role within the team: 1+1≠2
- Lost in the mountains case study
- Gretz and Drozdeck typology of managerial styles
- Assignment: Timothy Leary typology ICL


2nd module
- Timothy Leary typology analysis: identifying strong points and weaknesses
- Giving and receiving feedback
- I say you hear: clear communication strategy

Kurz bude probíhat na Institutu celoživotního vzdělávání VUT v Brně, Kounicova 67a, 1.patro (značeno 2.patro), chodba vlevo, učebna 205.

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