Informace o kurzu | |
Cena | 100 Kč |
Délka | 08:00 - 17:00 |
Lektor | PhDr. Zdeňka Vykoukalová, Ph.D. |
The objective of the course is to improve argumentation and negotiation skills, such as the whole process of negotiation, argumentation training and coping with objections. Within the help of model situations and case studies, the course will facilitate developing these skills in two following ways: improving individual abilities that are necessary for a more effective, stable, and confident negotiation (1); and improving team work in order to reach common goals or consensus (2). The participants will identify their negotiation style (Thomas Kilman test) and possible consequences as well as developmental areas. Language issues, i.e. appropriate usage of language, will also be emphasized and differences between British (UK) and American (US) styles discussed.
1st module
- Process of negotiating
- "On the boat" case study
- Language usage, differences between British (UK) and American (US) negotiation
- Assignment: describe one own negotiation
2nd module
- Sharing own experience at negotiating, receiving feedback
- Negotiation strategy test (Thomas Kilman)
- Identification of own negotiation style
Kurz bude probíhat na Institutu celoživotního vzdělávání VUT v Brně, Kounicova 67a, 1.patro (značeno 2.patro), chodba vlevo, učebna 205.
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